Sunday 21 November 2010


It  is interesting when you are among a group of writers as I was today celebrating Jean's birthday. She is chairman of the Society of Women Writers and Journalists and apart from family and friends there was a group of members of the Society all writers. The conversation centred on writing veering now and again away but always back. Because it is such a solitary business I always find that when we get together we voice all our thoughts and feelings about the process. What I like is that we share contacts and support each other in this difficult profession.  It seems to me to be different from those in the acting profession and even, I suspect artists. There is a humanity about writers which is not surprising, I suppose when you consider that humanity and its foibles are our raw material.  In fact listening to a group of writers gives you even more material for writing. I've lapsed a bit in attending meetings but I made up my mind I'll remedy this.

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