Sunday, 14 November 2010


I watched with admiration and sorrow the service at the Cenotaph this morning. I was moved by the sheer guts of these people including those maimed in the current war in Afghan: a determination to get on with life whatever the odds. It puts the lily livered members of the British nation to shame with their expectation of everything being handed to them on a plate.
Where the creative mind is concerned there is also a need for courage and determination. Courage to be true to oneself, to listen to the true voice of the imagination within and not to be swayed by the outside world of appearance, where people are always comparing themselves with others and wanting to be better.
Determination comes with the need to be dogged about writing. If you want to write you will do it: sitting down day after day to create at least something. And if your writings are rejected, well, you just get them out somewhere else. It takes guts to write.  Your writing heart has to be brave and true.

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