Sunday, 14 November 2010


Do I write at weekends? It depends, of course, but generally I believe it is helpful to mark this pause, in the week. I suppose it has something to do with the time I've spent in Europe and particularly Italy where the weekend is a time to see friends, eat good meals and do something different. This weekend I've tried out a new recipe, read some of a book on writing for radio and done a bit of gardening. I hope to see the new Mike Leigh film, today.
Having said all that I'll add that I never really stop 'writing' Things are going on in my subconscious, I know, ideas germinating secretly there. The notebook is ever present for snippets I hear, people I see like the little plump girl helping her father on a market stall in Shoreham where I stopped to buy eggs. I give them my complete attention and I listen to what they have to say. I think being attentive is a large part of the creative process. We writers must stay attentive both to our objective and subjective view of the world. It's regrettable that so many people seem to walk through life in a dream...they miss such a lot. So do I write at weekends? Well, yes, I do... I never stop!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog as it is obvious your ideas are based on hard won experience and not a mealy mouthed regurgitation of other peoples ideas.There is weight in your words.
    best wishes,
    RollX tieMehx
