Tuesday, 30 November 2010


My last workshop explored being true to yourself and not comparing your writing with anyone else.

Your experiences, your life and the things you have seen or done are as unique to you as someone else’s experiences are to them. Even if you took two people of the same age and made them live identical lives and identical experiences, such as is the case with many identical twins, you would still find that there are vast differences in how each of those two individuals perceives the reality around them, eventually forming their own view of the world based on their own emotions, internal drives and motivators.
You are unique, this means that as a writer, your style of writing prose is just as valid as the prose writing of say, Charles Dickens, Stephen King or Emily Bronte. The trick is to release the person that is inside you and let that person do the writing.
A great exercise to help you do this is to close your eyes and think of a place or a person you feel strongly about. These could be good or bad feelings, it really doesn’t matter but you must have a strong emotional affinity towards that person or place.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny,as you know I did this exercise-the instructions of which seem straightforward enough at first glance.I can say I was pleased and surprised at my writing that came out of this exercise.Not only very satisfying to do it produced the unexpected result of feeling much more peaceful about certain matters that had been troubling me for a very long time.
    many thanks,
