Tuesday 7 February 2012


Today our group had a good session. We delved deep into the subject of 'style', what is it? We say we like one writer's style and not another, but what do we mean? In my book and briefly because it is a complicated subject it is a balanced mix of elements such as narration, description, dialogue etc. It is also, and this is a hobby horse of mine: being true to yourself and your unique 'voivce' This i such a liberating thing as we don;t have to copy other writers nor think they are good an we are not...we simply have to be ourselves. The third and one of the most important factors, in my view anyway is the use of desciptive detail...the showing not telling school. Just a few telling details can set up such reverberation in the reader's mind and send them off on flights of their own imagination. Such power writing has, such energy and pleasure. We shared this, this afternoon. It might have been a nasty chilly day outside, but we five sat cosy and content in Nice Slice.

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